SUMMER CAMP 2025 (July 28 - Aug 3)
All campers must read the Camper Rules Agreement
The “CBW Rules Agreement” form MUST be read prior to coming to camp. This is required for every senior camper. If you are a parent filling the following form out for your family, please print a copy for your senior camper to read. Click here to view/print the CBW Rules Agreement form.
Please read the following agreement carefully. You will be required to accept that you have read the terms below in your registraiton form. Although camp participation is encouraged, it is encouraged only if health and safety are considered.
- I understand that a risk of participating in any sport is the risk of injury, including but not limited to serious permanent injury, paralysis, and death. To minimize the risk of injury, I agree (or agree to tell my child(ren)) to obey all safety rules and to report fully any problems related to my/his/her/their physical condition to the camp managers, directors or assistants as soon as the problem begins.
- By agreeing to the statements below, I certify the following:
- That I/my child(ren) am/are not currently under the care of a physician for an injury or illness that would prevent my/ his/her safe participation in the camp;
- That I/my child(ren) am/are not currently being treated for or recovering from an orthopedic injury that would prevent my/his/her safe participation in the camp;
- That I/my child(ren) have no history of fainting or other problems related to strenuous exercise; and
- That I/my child(ren) am/are in good health and there is no reason I/he/she cannot safely participate in strenuous physical activity.
- By my acceptance of this waiver, I hereby give permission for Mt. Baker Bibleway Camp and/or Cloverdale Bibleway its employees, agents, or camp directors to obtain medical treatment for myself or my child(ren), in the event of an accident or illness during my/his/her participation in on/off grounds activities.
- In consideration for accepting me/my child(re) into Mt. Baker Bibleway Camp, I do hereby agree that I am and shall be responsible for all costs associated with any injury or loss that may be sustained by my child as a result of my/his/her participation at the camp.
- By my acceptance of this waiver on the registration form, I also agree to release and promise not to sue Mt. Baker Bibleway Camp, Bible Believers of Washington, Cloverdale Bibleway or their employees, agents, volunteers or directors for any damages, loss, injury, or death arising from my/my child(ren)’s participation in CBW Summer Camp 2025, unless such damages, loss, injury, or death are caused by willful and wanton conduct of such employees or agents.