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Spring 2024 BFCR – Ethiopia: The Sovereignty of God

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Large Shipment Arrives in Uganda

20,000 Bibles in the Luganda language along with 33,000 Church Age Books in Luganda, Ateso, Karamojong, Amharic and Afaan Oromo have just landed in Uganda. Included in the shipment are 200,000 cover sheets for printing individual messages in Uganda. While these are all now in the office in Uganda, more than half the Bibles and […]


Podcast: BFCR Spring 2024

Bro. Jean and Bro Tim Dodd go through several of the articles that made the cut for the Believers Faith Challenge Report Spring edition 2024. We cover the distribution of newly printed books in Uganda, and the continued move of God in the country Ethiopia. There is also a new Android version of the MessageHub [...]