Latest From BBW


2024 Final Missions Report

On December 29 2023, Bro.Tim Dodd provided a comprehensive missions report covering major trips to Ethiopia, Uganda and India, giving us a detailed outlook on what 2024 was all about.


Six Additional Church Structures Completed

We are happy to report that the construction of six new church structures in Uganda has been completed in the months of August, September, and October. New Believers in the villages of Bukwiri, Buyoboya, Ivukula, Kibaale, Nawaikona, and Nkombe now have a shelter from the elements to gather for worship, and to be strengthened in [...]


India Trip Report Pt-1

As announced in the previous podcast, today is the first of a few episodes focused on interviews and testimonies from Brother Tim Dodd's last trip to India. Just as we did for Uganda, we thought it would be beneficial for you to hear directly from the men of God on the fiel about what the [...]