The hour that we live in is the end of all things. The world’s civilization is coming very quickly to a climax and a conclusion. As it was in the days of Noah, and as it was in the days of Sodom, God has made a way of escape.
One of the greatest prophecies of this hour is contained in 1 Thessalonians;
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 KJV)
This we call The Rapture. A series of events that begin with a shout. This shout is a Message. The Message that was sent through God’s Prophet: William Branham.
“The end-time message is to get the Bride ready and prepared for the rapture.”
(End Time Evangelism, Jeffersonville, IN 62-0603)
“I believe she’s ready to strike that final climax yonder to bring forth a faith that’ll rapture the Church into glory (It’s the truth.), and She’s laying in the Messages. We’re really at the end time.”
(The Absolute, Jeffersonville, IN 62-1230M)
What value would you put on the faith that it will take to be a part of this Rapture, this escape from end time destruction? To miss the Rapture would be to miss everything, so we could safely say that the value of Rapturing Faith would be Infinite.
What if the Message was given from the Lord for this generation in Chinese, or Russian? We English speaking people would want to expend every energy in order to access the spiritual truths revealed in our day. Wouldn’t we feel that no effort would be too great to receive a Message which contains the necessary revelation to produce Rapturing Faith? If we couldn’t help ourselves, we would want someone to help us get the Message, in our language, so we too could come to full readiness for the Rapture.
Doesn’t the Bride of Jesus Christ, who doesn’t understand English, also have a right to receive the Message of Rapturing Faith? We feel that is the most pressing burden of the hour. To get the Message of the Hour into the hands of every member of the predestinated Bride of Jesus Christ.
“God puts us responsible (That’s right.), we ministers. ‘Hunt My Bride.’”
(End Time Evangelism, Jeffersonville, IN 62-0603)
The End-Time Message is to get the Bride ready and prepared for the Rapture.
To get the Message into the Bride’s hands, and consequently the Faith for a Rapture into their hearts, is worth every effort and every resource we can expend. It is going to take a concerted effort on the part of all translators and those that support them, to accomplish what needs to be done in this last hour.
That is the burden of Bible Believers.

Bible Believers Missions grew from a radio broadcast that was heard in many places around the world beginning in 1973. Originally known as The Bibleway Broadcast and then changing to Bible Believers Broadcast, this was an extension of the vision and burden of Pastor Ed Byskal to get the Message out to the world. Through this outreach, literally thousands of cassette tapes, books and tracts were sent out, mailed by willing volunteers strategically located to fill the requests. This was the beginning of Bible Believers Missions.

In 2012 Brother Tim Dodd resigned his position as pastor in northern Canada after 27 years, to join his efforts with Pastor Byskal as a Senior Minister in Cloverdale Bibleway and the Director of Missions. He is also the author of the “Family Altar” series of devotional books which are published around the world in many languages.

Brother Murphy Wong has been with Cloverdale Bibleway since 1998, beginning as a translator and now ministers to the needs of the Bride in Canada, China, and around the world. He was the lead translator in the great project of translating the King James Bible into Chinese, and continues to work in translation.