Church Age Books in Rwanda for the First Time!
English speakers have been able to read and enjoy the Church Ages Book since its very first printing in 1965. Now, over fifty years later, Believers in Rwanda are experiencing that unique joy for the first time, as 3000 Church Ages Books in the Kinyarwanda language have landed in Rwanda and are being distributed. We are happy share with you this pictorial review of this great event.
The printing of the Church Ages Book is a benchmark moment in the translation effort that was launched several years ago through a cooperation between Brother Elie Kwizera (originally from Rwanda and now attending Cloverdale Bibleway while living in Washington, USA) along with Believers in Rwanda and Bible Believers. Translators began delivering finished translations at a pace of seven to ten sermons per month, which triggered the need for a Print Station to supply Believers with printed copies. These began trickling out into the churches and were also available electronically on the Message Hub website, as well as on the Message Hub Apps. This created a growing hunger among the local Believers for more messages, inspiring the translators to continue the work.
The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages book was finished in both audio and text but was too large a volume for the Print Station to handle. A commercial printer was needed. Believers around the world donated funds for this cause. For economic reasons, the printing was done in China, and the finished books were delivered to Rwanda this month.
No doubt this will have a great impact on the maturing of the Believers in Rwanda, and also create an even greater hunger among them for more of the Word of the Hour. We thank all who have labored to bring this milestone to pass and rejoice with the Believers who are now enjoying the “special food” they need for spiritual growth in the end-time.
We trust you will enjoy this pictorial review of what your prayerful support has accomplished in Rwanda.