Six Additional Church Structures Completed
We are happy to report that the construction of six new church structures in Uganda has been completed in the months of August, September, and October.
New Believers in the villages of Bukwiri, Buyoboya, Ivukula, Kibaale, Nawaikona, and Nkombe now have a shelter from the elements to gather for worship, and to be strengthened in the Truths of this Message.
It is important to note that these congregations previously had buildings, but when confronted with the choice of keeping their denominational buildings or receiving the Word for our day, thereby leaving behind churches which they built, they chose the Word. The Lord is not unmindful of their choosing to suffer affliction with the people of God, rather than stay in unbelief.
In 2024, funds were received specifically for the building of churches. We are happy that we can continue to help these congregations who lost their buildings as the result of receiving the truth. With these buildings it makes 18 new churches in Uganda in this year alone. We rejoice with our fellow Believers and thank God for those on whom He has placed the burden to support the funding and construction of these churches.
The photo slideshows below show the latest six buildings in the various stages of construction. These have now been completed, and more are in progress. Our goal is to build six churches every three months.
In addition, several latrines were added to existing church structures in order to comply with the local regulations, allowing the Believers to gather.
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