Container of Books and Bibles Arrives in Uganda
A much-anticipated delivery of books for new Believers has arrived in Uganda!
20,000 Bibles, 10,000 Church Age Books, and for the first time 10,000 Hebrews series books have just been released for distribution in Uganda. These books in the Luganda language bring the total to 30,000 each of Bibles and Church Age Books that have been printed since the beginning of the awakening. These books are in addition to more than 10,000 individual titles that are printed monthly in several languages in the country.
With the current supply chain issues around the world, it took longer than expected to get the books from China to Uganda, however we are happy to report that thousands are already on their way to hungry souls of individual Believers.
It seems incredible that a small country like Uganda would have such an overwhelming response to the Message of the Hour. However, Brother Branham spoke of the impact of the Message in Africa; that it would be much greater than any response in North America. The numbers we are seeing correspond to the numbers Brother Branham talks about in the Hebrews Chapter 3 sermon:
102-97 … “Why, I could start a revival here in some big building or something, you would never get many people to believe it. They just won’t. They can’t. Their day is done.
This same lesson this morning in Africa, would probably produce ten thousand, at least ten thousand souls to Christ. Where there might be one sinner setting here this morning, or something, some backslider. Most of them is just combed through and through till it’s just finished. That’s all.” (HEBREWS CHAPTER 3, JEFF, IN 57-0901M)
Some recent estimates of new Believers place the numbers at over 50,000, as high as 70,000. While these numbers are impossible to verify, pictures of meetings, baptisms, and testimonies flow to our office from Uganda almost daily. Minister’s meetings for recently baptized ministers reach hundreds in some areas, and up to 700 in another area. Back in the jungles, local ministers newly established in the end time Message travel with it even further than we can comprehend.
We praise God for His mercies to every individual soul that comes into the Light of these end times. Our hearts are burdened to do all we can to clothe these precious souls in the wedding garment of the Word of God in preparation for the rapture. Here at Bible Believers we want to thank every one that stands behind us with your prayers and support. May God abundantly bless each and every one.

Books immediately being distributed to different regions of Uganda