Bible Believers started in 1973 with the Bible Believers Broadcast. Since this time many exciting changes and trophies for the gospel have been won. To read about our history, scroll down through time and see what the Lord has done.

Bible Believers Broadcast
Gripped by the power and truth of the Message, Brother Byskal had a vision and burden to get the Message out to the world. The congregation of Cloverdale Bible Way became an extension of that vision, and the Bible Believers Broadcast went on the air in 1973. After a very short time the Broadcast was being heard on 27 radio stations by people throughout the world. One of these stations was the powerful Swazi Music Radio in South Africa, which reached an area inhabited by 87 million people. The voice of God’s Prophet freely traversed borders, reaching into countries like Mozambique, Malawi, Namibia, Zimbabwe and the islands of the Sea. Through this outreach, thousands of cassette tapes, books and tracts were sent out, mailed by willing volunteers strategically located to fill the requests.
Cleaning and Filtering the Tapes
In conjunction with the Bible Believers Broadcast, an ambitious project was undertaken to “clean and filter” a collection of over 500 original recordings. These tape recordings were obtained from various believers who made their own private live recordings while attending Brother Branham’s services. For this project alone, over $40,000 worth of the latest, state of the art equipment was purchased. Tapes were cleaned and masters recorded in Cloverdale. Copies were then sent to Lima, Ohio where the believers there duplicated and sent out tapes to meet the demand for the Prophet’s Message, mostly in response to the Bible Believers Radio Broadcast. As the Message continued to spread over the radio, so did the demand for more of the cleaned and filtered cassette tapes of the Prophet’s message.
Overseas Travel
As doors opened in other countries and the Message gripped the hearts of believers, the cry for printed, translated messages grew to such proportions that the difficult decision was made to withdrawal from the growing radio broadcasts and put all of our efforts and resources into translations, printing and distribution of the Message.
Brother Byskal made several extensive overseas trips at this time and met many pastors and believers who expressed their desire to have the Message translated into their own language. Bible Believers became the channel through which burdened believers around the world could be directly involved to help meet these needs overseas.
A Door Into Norway
The first opportunity for assisting our Brethren overseas come in the country of Norway. Faithful brethren there who loved this Message had translated and printed as they were able. Bible Believers began to support a full time translator and increase the number of books printed. During this time, with the help of Bible Believers, more Message books were printed in Norwegian than in the previous 10 years combined! Inspired by this act of love, the Believers in Norway took over the support of the printing and translation work and have continued to make the Message books available in the Norwegian language to this day.
The Word Breaks Into Finland
In much the same way as in Norway, a fine dedicated Brother in Finland was prayerfully given financial support through Bible Believers. A top quality cassette duplicator was delivered to Helsinki and in the first year of full time operation, 25 messages were translated and several books printed. After only one year of assistance and encouragement, the brethren in Finland were in full charge of the translating and printing operations. It is not possible to calculate the number of Messages that have been distributed in Finland and also in Russia as a result.
Printing Begins in India
In 1979, through a set of unique and supernatural events, Brother Daniel Evans of Rajamundry, India, met Brother Byskal at some special meetings in Sweden. While attending these meetings, Brother Evans heard for the first time, what he described as, “The Message that followed Brother Branham’s ministry”. Revelation began to strike Brother Evans as he heard how God spoke through the Prophet to illuminate the scriptures for this day. By the end of the convention, Brother Evans was consumed with a burden and zeal to translate and print the Messages of the Prophet for his own people.
Shortly after returning home to India, Brother Evans wrote to Brother Byskal informing him that he had translated the Message, The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed and that it was ready for printing. In a joint-cooperative effort, the church in Sweden paid for printing Volume I and Bible Believers paid for Volume II. This book printed in 1979, represented the small “seed” from which originated Bible Believers most enduring and substantial Missions Project to date.
Master Set of Cleaned & Filtered Tapes Gifted to Voice of God Recordings
Once the project of filtering the tapes (started in 1975) was complete, Brother Byskal, in conjunction with the trustees, gifted an entire master set of the cleaned reel to reel tapes to Voice of God Recordings.
In addition to this, all of the cleaning and filtering equipment was sold to the Voice of God Recordings to help them in this project of cleaning more of the original recordings that were being found.
In 1983, Brother Byskal made his first Missionary journey behind the Iron curtain. Shortly after this initial visit, translation into the Serbo-Croatian language began. Later on, the Message was also translated into the Slovenian language. This work continues to this day, supported by the Believers living in the former Republic of Yugoslavia.
Printing Press Established in Madras, India
In 1985, The William Branham Good News Society was established in Madras (now known as Chennai) and Bible Believers purchased a large printing operation in Madras, allowing the translation and printing of the Message to be centralized there for all of India.
For over 25 years Bible Believers, with the support of many around the world, funded the work in India and printing of the messages. The operation grew from commercially printing one book per month, to a full-fledged computerized printing operation in its own 4,000 square foot building, printing the Message in 12 of the major languages spoken in India.
Upgrades to Printing Press in India
Major upgrade in India. Old letter presses are sold in order to purchase newer off-set, single dummy press to meet increased demands for more message books. Capacity increased to 40,000 books printed per month!
Poland & India
Brother Byskal made his first Missionary trip to Poland in 1989, just as the communist wall in Berlin was being removed. The believers there asked for assistance in getting more of the Message translated and printed in Polish. One year later, plans are finalized and the work begins.
Computer upgrades for the typesetting work in India was needed, and Bible Believers purchased the latest in state of the art computer typesetting equipment; 2 Apple computer work stations and a 300 DPI Laser printer, subsequently reducing costs by eliminating the need for commercial typesetters.
Church Building in Yugoslavia
Bible Believers purchases a church building for the believers in Subotica, Yugoslavia. The church was dedicated in June 1990.
Russian Translations
Bible Believers prints first book in the Russian language, Follow Me.
Bible Believers Office Established in Philippines
Brother Byskal made his first Missionary trip to the Philippines in December of 1995 to speak at a National Minister’s Conference. Here the ministers make known their desire for more of the Prophet’s message on audio cassette. Minister’s profiles were collected, with the results indicating that there was an immediate need for approximately 200 Seed Tape Libraries.
A Bible Believers office was established in Manila for duplicating and distributing of Seed Tape Libraries, Bibles, clothes, E-Books, and other message material locally. In less than 12 months, Bible Believers provided 100 libraries complete with racks and tape players.
With almost a quarter of the world’s entire population, the Chinese people make up the single largest language group in the world. Bible Believers had long been aware of the need for outreach in this country. Up to this time, less than 40 Messages/Tracts had been translated and printed in Chinese. Bible Believers teamed up with believers of Chinese origin, who are burdened to reach their people with the Message. In June of 1996, Bible Believers helped sponsor the printing of the Message, The Future Home in the Chinese language. In addition to this, funds were provided to help purchase the Chinese version of PageMaker computer software in order to streamline the typesetting work. Bible Believers objective is to print at least 12 books by July 1997.
In May of 1996, Bible Believers prints first Chinese Message book in South West Asia.
Message Hub Introduced
As the ministry of translation and printing grew, and technology advanced, it became very apparent that a place on the internet was needed as a repository and resource for the Message and the many language translations. www.messagehub.info was established and has grown to this day as a site for free Message books in dozens of languages. Print stations were developed to allow churches around the world to easily print their own books.
Church Building for Moscow
A group of Christians in Russia had no means to build a building to house their congregation. The local pastor contacted us to help them so in that way they could be recognized by the government as a bonafide Christian assembly. Bible Believers provided the seed money, along with some building expertise to bring this project to completion in 2011. The building houses a thriving church and has parsonage space for the pastor.
Humanitarian Relief: Super Typhoon – Philippines
In November of 2013 Super Typhoon Yolanda made landfall in Tacloban, Philippines. Within 48 hours Bible Believers wired funds to pastors in the country to begin the rebuilding process. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were donated by Christians all over the world and within 18 months over 200 homes and 21 churches were rebuilt using local expertise and local distribution channels.
Uganda Radio Broadcast
A need was identified to reach those who are unable to read in Uganda and surrounding areas. Local pastors were enlisted for audio translation efforts for this need. Sound studios were built in 2013 and radio time was purchased. Bible Believers continues to support the Uganda Radio Broadcast, where portions of translated sermons by William Branham are played, and questions are taken over the air.
Missions Field: Ethiopia
Bible Believers embarked in spreading the Message into the largely unreached area of Ethiopia. By sending an evangelist from Uganda, Bible Believers funded firstly exploratory missions’ trips into the country, which became many saved souls and the beginning of what is now a thriving church in the capital Addis Ababa. With support from Bible Believers the church reaches out into outlying areas and has translators working in several languages to take the Message to Ethiopia.
Message Hub Mobile Released
With the advancement of technology, especially smartphones, an app was developed for the Android operating system linking the Bible to the Message of the Hour. This app was originally called the Bible App, but became known as Message Hub Mobile, as the objective was to make all the translations on the Message Hub available in all their diverse languages on the App.
New Translation of Chinese KJV Bible Printed
With contacts amongst the unrecognized Christian movement in China, it became apparent that a need for a correct translation of the Bible was present. The Chinese Christians identified that there were thousands of errors in the existing and only translation of the Bible that was government approved. Beginning in 2011, errors were identified and a qualified team of translators and proof readers was assembled to work on the project. The first printing of this monumental achievement rolled off the presses in China in 2015 and distribution quickly ensued.