This page is dedicated to the new project we are desiring to being to fruition. On a family prayer meeting a scripture from Malachi 3:16:
Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
We are desiring to create a book full of testimonies that can give glory to our Lord for what he has done for us. No testimony is too little. This will become a “book of remembrance” that our children and children’s children will not forget what the Lord has done throughout the years.
We are encouraging anyone to please submit below a word document of your testimony of what the Lord has done. For the sake of space, please keep your testimony no more than 2 pages long, at 12pt font, Times New Roman. If you are only able to send via email, that is fine as well.
Click the links below to upload your document or send your email. We will begin the compilation and hope to create our first volume in the coming months ahead. God bless you!