Podcast: Uganda: 1200 New Message Ministers in One Meeting
Brother Tim Dodd was recording short interviews on the fly as he traveled through Uganda recently. These fascinating snippets include this interview with Brother Fred Kiyingi, who hosted an outside meeting for new Message ministers on the grounds of his church. The building could never accommodate the number who would attend, and not all ministers were invited, just to be sure the grounds would not be overrun. Hundreds were expected, but at least 1200 attended. Local government officials have been attending these and other meetings, with some of them receiving the Word as it is preached. In this podcast, Brother Tim and Brother Fred discuss this, and other victories.
Why this Podcast?
So much is happening in the Kingdom of God that it is difficult to tell it all. At Bible Believers we receive reports from all over the world about the great things God is doing, and we want you to know about it.
Introducing the Believers Faith Challenge Podcast!
Many Believers are hungry for stories about how God is moving around the world. The Believers Faith Challenge Report Podcast has been launched to tell those stories.
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Once the app is installed, type “Believers Faith Challenge Report” into the search bar, and our podcast will pop up. You can subscribe and listen to each new podcast as it is released, or go back and listen to past episodes.
We are making these podcasts short and to the point. Generally, they cover the same stories as in our printed articles, but sometimes they may contain slightly different material. Interviews we do with Believers overseas are often recorded, and on the podcasts you can listen to the audio, as the story is told in their own voice.
All of this helps concerned Believers around the world needs that are on the Missions field, so that we can prayerfully support as the Lord would lead each one of us.
We believe that hearing these inspiring stories will be a blessing to you as you hear them on this new medium.