At times we find that unusual and even supernatural things come out of the smallest of our efforts. These things happen as a direct or indirect result of someone’s efforts to serve the Lord. In our last issue of the Believers Faith Challenge Update we reported to you of the group of young people from the Bibleway Christian Academy who visited the country of Uganda.

In preparation for the trip Brother Tim Dodd and Brother Stephen Ibale were in correspondence to set the itinerary for services. At the last minute, it was decided to accommodate a young brother named Elijah, and his church, with a Thursday morning service. This meant that while the rest of the team was busy working on projects, Brother Tim and Brother Stephen travelled to the town of Mayuge. Though the church was small and the congregation packed in during the heat of the day, the service was particularly anointed of the Lord, one of the most outstanding of the trip. After the service the believers stayed for 7 hours rejoicing in the presence of the Lord for the things they heard. From Brother Elijah we have received the following report:

“The Word that you preached left an impact. More fruits are coming because one of the Pentecostal pastors who attended the meetings invited me to his church and I had four services. I ended up baptizing the whole church and the pastor himself. In this very meeting he also invited his fellow Pentecostal pastors among all, there was one woman preacher who was pastoring a church of 90 people. After listening to the preaching she was baptized and had to leave the pulpit. She left her church in my hands to care for. So I thank God for your coming to Mayuge…”
Another church we visited was in the town of Bugiri where Brother Charles is the pastor. From there we have received the following report:
“One day around May 2013, in a place called Malindi (a landing site on the shores of Lake Victoria in Mayuge district), there existed a Pentecostal church led by a female overseer/pastoress. A certain preacher coming from Kenya passed over that area and went to that church. This preacher had the revelation of the water baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. By that he managed to convince the people in that church and they came out to be baptized. Unfortunately, he could not take the people into other subjects of the Word beyond baptism. This made a group of people who had come out of the Pentecostal church led by the woman preacher to simply go back to the denomination where they came from. Then God intervened.
One of the women of this church heard an ear piercing audible voice say these words; ‘Tell your husband to go to Bugiri (our town) and let him look for a church with the Voice of the Seventh Angel, that is My true church, they have the Truth’. This young man named Solomon did not know of the town Bugiri, but he came anyhow. When he reached Bugiri, the first man he approached claimed to have never heard about such a church. Instead he told Solomon to try Busowa (another town along the road to Iganga from Bugiri). Solomon insisted the voice said Bugiri. Then he asked a second person who also said he did not know about such a church but advised Solomon to go to SAWA Photo Studio and ask for the Director of the studio who is a Christian; maybe he could advise him better.
When Solomon went to the studio he found a Brother in Christ named Stephen, the Director of the studio and also a trustee in the church. The trustee just pulled out a message book and showed him the writing on the cover page that read: ‘In the days of the Voice of the Seventh Angel’. This made Solomon excited. It was a Saturday and he stayed overnight with Brother Stephen who brought him to church the following day, Sunday morning. That day I was at the pulpit and I happened to quote Revelation 10:7. Solomon was more convinced that was the place the Lord led him.
Arrangements were made for him to return to Malindi in Mayuge. After two weeks he came back to Bugiri with six other colleagues. Together we had a Bible Study and they all accepted everything to be the Truth. In turn they suggested we could make arrangements to go to the lake shores and pass on the same Word to those back at home. The distance from Bugiri to Malindi is 98 km with 80% of the road being dusty.
We went there for six days from Monday the 22nd to Sunday the 28th of July 2013 and spent our time teaching and preaching. We had a wonderful time and people responded positively. Even Muslims testified saying this was the True Gospel to take people to the Kingdom of God. Wonderful! No Muslim argued with us but instead helped us in whatever need we had. We have left there a church with at least 30 people baptized in the Name of the Lord. I and one of the deacons of my church have offered to help them get established in the Faith.”
There is more that we could recount, but space does not permit us. Suffice it to say that whole groups of Christians are embracing the Message of the Hour. Some even are required to give up their denomination owned buildings, forsaking all for the True Gospel of Jesus Christ. We regularly hear of needs amoungst the many groups there and are maintaining a list. Let us pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Uganda.