Testimony & Outreach of the Uganda Radio Broadcast
Brother Elisa Mugabi is one of the miracles of the Uganda Radio Broadcast program. He had been listening to Bible Believers Broadcast out of Jinja, Uganda for a period of about a year and he constantly noted a difference in the approach to the Word from what he used as a Pentecostal minister. He was challenged each time he listened, not realizing he was listening to the translated voice of a vindicated Prophet. It was very different from anything he had heard before.
Every Friday evening at 7:30, a 90 minute program is broadcast on Basogo Baino FM station in Uganda to over 9 million listeners. Each program includes 45 minutes of translated preaching of Brother William Branham followed by 45 minutes of other information of the Message of the Hour. Part of the program also has Brother Stephen Ibale answering questions from listeners. The entire program is in the Lugandan language, the main language in this area of Africa.

Brother Elisa was a Pentecostal pastor. He would also tune in to the Pentecostal owned radios that tried to counteract the Message as he looked for the Truth. From that he had an opportunity to judge between the two. He was able to rightly discern between hate speech and the Truth.
He did not phone in to the radio program as some do, but near the end of last year, he rode his bicycle for 60km to come and see Brother Stephen Ibale and discuss the Word further. He was overwhelmed when they discussed what the new birth was and how this understanding came by revelation to the Prophet Messenger of this day. He was given The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, which he read. Still searching, he attended the meetings in March of this year when Brother Tim Dodd traveled to Uganda and preached in Jinja.
Brother Elisa then invited Brother Ibale to his church and several other ministers from the Pentecostal circles attended the services. For four days, the Message of the Hour was proclaimed both in the church and on the village streets.
30 people responded for baptism and several of these were ministers who are now carrying on the revival. After seeing the zeal of Brother Elisa, Brother Emmanuel Paddy Byakika gave him a megaphone and he has since been evangelizing the villages around him.

It is always amazing to see how God provides for needs. Weeks after, Brother Ibale received a call from a Brother based in the States with whom he had not been in contact for about 4 years. After ending the call, the Brother called back to ask if there was any missionary need. Brother Ibale told him about Brother Elisa and his zeal. The Brother paid for the purchase of a motorbike for Brother Elisa, and a good piece of property where there are plans for the construction of a church. There are more contributions needed for the completion of the building, but at the same time Brother Elisa is making bricks with his church group so that they can contribute towards the church construction. Brother Harold Hildebrandt also supported the purchase of 10 bicycles that were given to the several ministers that we baptized.

The radio ministry is building but also producing several challenges, like this group of Brother Elisa Mugabi, who although situated close to a Message church, it is a full church that comes into the Message intact. They had a building and land which they were in possession of, but the system of denomination was such that the land and building were controlled by a headquarters. When Brother Elisa’s congregation saw the Light of the Word, which was contrary to denominational teaching, the new believers were evicted from their church building that had been built up under the labours of the pastor. It is no wonder that the restoration of the Word had to bring us back to the truth that the local pastor is the highest authority in the church.
Together with the Radio Broadcast, there is an ongoing audio translation work to provide translated sermons for the Broadcast. Several Brothers are working hard to ensure the Radio Broadcast has the Prophet’s voice translated for the people of Africa. A particular blessing to those who are unable to read and therefore are not benefitted by print translation. Both the Broadcast and the translation work are fully funded through your support. There are other opportunities for Radio Broadcast of the Prophet’s voice in other parts of Africa, in other languages. If there are sufficient sponsors, we would expand this ministry. The Believers in Uganda are very grateful for all who have given of their resources to make this broadcast an unqualified success in their country.