When Joseph was sold by his brothers to Egypt, they meant it for evil, but God used it for good. We are seeing this same principle at work in the lockdown that has crippled the whole world. Consider this interesting story from Ethiopia:
Earlier this year, two Nigerian athletes had traveled to Ethiopia to play football (soccer) for Ethiopian football teams. But when the Coronavirus lockdown hit, they were left stranded in Ethiopia. They were not allowed to return home, nor could they play football. They were stuck in an unexpected place in an unexpected time. But it was all foreknown and planned by the Lord.
It turns out these two young men were of Christian backgrounds and started asking around where they could fellowship with some Pentecostals. Someone suggested they look up the relatively new church in Addis Ababa that Bible Believers has been sponsoring for several years.
This new and vibrant work has shown a burden for outreach, and also for translating the Message into Amharic, Tigrinya, and Afaan Oromo, native languages of Ethiopia. It was the perfect place for two spiritually hungry young men to land.
Brother Moges Engida reports that the men visited for several services, and then the lockdown hit, and services were closed. But their interest towards the Message of our day preached by this unusual church was already piqued. This led to many discussions over the phone and some in-person meetings with Brother Engida.
Last week, the revelation that leads to action ignited in their hearts. They contacted Brother Engida and asked to be baptized in the true Christian baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Brother Moges was just preparing to leave for a missions trip, but remained for one more day to do a little missionary work at home. These two men, Gideon and Raphael, were gloriously baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This was the beginning of an unforgettable trip made into southern Ethiopia.
Please pray for them as they grow in their newfound faith, and prosper wherever God may lead them in the future, be it in Ethiopia, or back in their home country of Nigeria.
How many other fruits like this is God harvesting all over the world, even as the world groans under its present burdens?
Only eternity will tell.