Adventists in Uganda Awakened
In the beginning of January 2021, a number of denominational ministers attended a meeting in the town of Kangulumira, Uganda. Brother Fred Kiyingi was the speaker. Amongst them was David Mukasa, a well-studied Adventist pastor of 30 plus years’ experience, renowned as a theologian in his denomination. It amazed him that he was hearing Bible truths for the first time. This was an experience he never expected to have, after so many years serving God, but God was revealing Himself to Pastor Mukasa.
It wasn’t long before he visited Brother Kiyingi in Kampala to discuss the Word of God and, being convinced of the truth of the Message of the Hour, he invited Brother Kiyingi to come and preach for him at his church. About 150 souls were gathered to rejoice in the great truths that have been revealed in our day.
Also in attendance were a few other ministers, including Pastor Monica Mirembe who was pastoring a church of about 100 souls. The Message gripped her heart. She too desired the Message to be ministered at her church, and has opened her pulpit to the Message of the Hour. She has since come to realize that she is not in her place, and has stepped aside that the Word of God might have the preeminence.
In this video, you will see a testimony that followed the meeting at Brother Mukasa’s church. Besides Sister Monica, there are 12 other churches desiring to be taught in the Light for our day.
Pray for each of these, especially Brother David, who is now under great opposition from his former denomination, as he was a very senior and highly regarded theologian amongst them. Sister Monica also has needs, as she is a widow with five children, and the ministry was her means of support.
Bible Believers continues to support the work in Uganda, and the Message is still spreading in many ways continually. We have increased our support recently to enable the Brothers to bring the new converts together for baptisms. As you hear in the video, there is still a curfew in the country due to the “pandemic”. This makes it difficult to get everyone desiring baptism to water and home again before curfew. Nevertheless, the Lord will make a way.