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Believers in Karamoja Read Church Age Books for the First Time

Believers in Karamoja Read Church Age Books for the First Time


One of the greatest pleasures of translation work is to be involved in helping Believers translate the Message into their language for the first time.

Karamajong is one of those languages.

In November of 2021, a group of pastors from the region of Karamoja (the most primitive in Uganda), met with Brother Tim Dodd in Kampala, Uganda, to discuss the possibility of translating the Message. They were desperate to have the Message in the Karamajong language spoken by the 10,000 or so Believers in their churches. Bible Believers could not ignore their plea. Shortly thereafter, a team was organized and supplied with the necessary equipment, and the first Karamajong translation was posted on the Message Hub in February of 2022.

There are now 177 Karamajong translations on the Message Hub. This number will soon be over 200 as they finish proofreading the sermons in the “Seed Library”.

In early August 2024, Brother Talemwa Busobozi travelled to the Karamoja region with 5000 Church Age Books in the Karamajong language for distribution amongst the churches there. You can see by the pictures and video below that the joy of the pastors was palpable. We feel so blessed to be a part of this great project, and each and every one who contributed to the work of Bible Believers should feel a great sense of joy and satisfaction to see Believers embracing the Church Age Book in their hands.

Brother Michael Lopuli is not alive today to see his lifelong ambition of getting the Church Age Book to his people become a reality. He passed away just one week after finishing its translation. May the Lord allow him to look over the banister of heaven to see his people rejoicing. You can read about Brother Michael here.

We recently recorded a podcast with Brother Busobozi about his trip. You can listen to it soon.

May the Lord continue to bless the work of translation in Karamoja.