Radio Broadcast Shaking Uganda
To reach the millions of souls in Africa who are unable to read, the Spoken Word is the only way. Just like when the Holy Ghost fell in Acts 2, people from many lands first received truth through the ear-gate, as they heard in their own tongues the mighty works of God. Preaching was the channel the Apostles used to reach the world with the Gospel, as large portions of the world of that day were illiterate.
In most African countries, believers are used to receiving the Gospel through printed form. To reach all of the people, audio preaching in the local tongues is also important. This is the reason we have over 2000 audio translations in 14 languages available on the Message Hub. We support this valuable effort to reach souls and utilize those translations of the Message of the Hour in radio broadcast.
Over the past two years, the success of the Uganda Radio Broadcast has proven the validity of this Scriptural method. Up to one-third of the population is deemed illiterate in the area of the broadcast. The weekly 90 minute broadcast of Brother Branham’s messages has been a fruitful investment in reaching these and others, though it is expensive and labor intensive. Basoga Biano FM in the city of Jinja is a leading station covering a very large area of listeners. Bible Believers has now broadcast through them for two years.
One of the people touched was the manager of the radio station himself!—who now attends Brother Stephen Ibale’s church, and is now bringing his wife. Each time a program airs many calls and letters pour in. Many denominational and Pentecostal ministers who have heard negative reports “about” the Message, are now finding out from first-hand listening that the reports are not true!
Two Pentecostal ministers opened up their churches when they heard the sermon, There is a Man Who Can Turn on the Light. Through the broadcast, one Message minister gained access to a Christian Fellowship in a high school every Thursday and is witnessing to the young people there. Some have come to church. One Pentecostal Bishop overseeing five churches believed and was baptized, with others from his churches following. Another Pentecostal pastor was baptized along with 40 of his church members! The effects continue to ripple out, as more people find the broadcast. For each broadcast, the team prepares a free CD of the Message to mail out to callers in.
Though the program began as an outreach to unbelievers, it has also proven to be a huge benefit to current believers who cannot read, and are now hearing the voice of the Messenger with a voiceover translation in their own language for the first time. These are newly created translations that require much work to produce. With recording, editing, and correction, it can take up to three weeks just to prepare one broadcast. Much of this labor-intensive work is done by just one or two believers, on computers and laptops in heat and dust and difficult conditions. Still they persevere, and to-date, 22 Messages have been finished, and are uploaded to the Message Hub. Now believers and even unbelievers who have access to the radio or internet can hear these messages at any time, in the Lugandan language.
The believers continue to improve their equipment and conditions in order to carry on effectively. They have been renting a studio hourly for making recordings, but it is expensive by the hour, and they are rushed to make good and accurate recordings on the budget available. Last year, construction began on a studio where the voiceovers could be recorded and edited in controlled conditions with proper equipment. At this time the facility is 70% complete, but construction ceased when funds ran out. We have just sent enough funds for the completion of this work.
The Message radio broadcast in Uganda may be just the beginning. We are happy for the success of the Lugandan broadcast, but there is a need to reach the illiterate Swahili speakers in Kenya, Tanzinia, and the Amharic speakers in Ethiopia, to name a few. Predestinated souls are out there, just waiting for the Message to reach their ears in their native language. Through your support, we have enabled many souls to hear the words of God’s Prophet for the first time by funding this effort. Please pray with us as we look for ways to expand into other languages.