More Bibles Delivered in Uganda
Despite a nightly 7 pm curfew in Uganda, Bibles are continuing to reach needy Believers in the local congregations.
Reports continue to pour in showing the ecstatic response of the local Pastors as they receive the Bibles for their congregation. While the churches are not able to meet as usual, the people are greatly appreciative of the Bibles.
In June, the Bibles arrived at the office, in the midst of the Covid shutdown. Brother Busobozi immediately delivered 2500 each to Brothers Stephen Ibale and Fred Kiyingi. They in turn delivered some to established pastors in regional areas. Brothers such as Brother Don Julius, and Brother Hannington Balita helped in the distribution of these great spiritual resources to local pastors. While travel is not permitted after the 7 o’clock pm national curfew, thousands of Bibles have already been distributed. You will rejoice with us as you look at these pictures and videos (below) of Pastors receiving these boxes of Bibles in expectation of the great happiness of their people owning their first Bible.
While this is a tremendous blessing to the new Believers, and will also help in some of the more established churches, it is felt that 10,000 Bibles will simply not be enough. We are so thankful to be able to contribute this amount and believe that the Lord is mindful of the need that exists in Uganda. Funds have been raised by many churches and even Sunday Schools programs have been started by the children to give Bibles to those without. We thank each and every concerned Believer who made this great work possible.