Bibles Delivered in Uganda

It is amazing but true, that after centuries of “missionary efforts” by various groups to African nations, still large percentages of church goers own no Bible of their own. This reality is so common it has become accepted. After all, if most everyone else in your church does not own a Bible, it seems normal. It becomes accepted that Bibles are for the Missionaries, the Preachers, the wealthy, or the lucky. That is how it has always been.
It is hard for us as Believers of this End Time Message to imagine life without a Bible. The Scriptures, with all their life-changing truth, would be something you only hear second hand, quoted by others. Perhaps you would try to remember a phrase you heard, or a verse that impacted you in a moment of time; its pristine truth penetrating your soul. But then, just as suddenly, it is gone, the source of this precious truth walking away under the arm of the person who spoke it in your hearing.
Many in Africa have lived their whole lives this way, including many in Uganda. Bibles have been in short supply for generations, and those Bibles that do exist are often poorly made, and fall apart after a short time. Electronic Bibles are available on smartphones – but only for those who have smartphones and the ability to keep them charged, which excludes many people.
The truths of the End Time Message though written in “Message Books,” are founded in the Holy Scriptures. Thousands in Uganda are hearing Bible Truths, which were previously hidden, and are amazed. God has visited our generation to uncover truths that will bring us closer to Him than ever before. An individual’s reaction might be, “Can this be so?” But how would they know? They hear that it is very important to avail themselves of this new truth, for this Age is soon to end. They hear it will go badly for those unprepared, but gloriously for those who are. They also want to be prepared! But how can they if they don’t have a Bible?
Just recently, the fruit of the much giving and labour has come to maturity as 10,000 quality Luganda Bibles, along with 10,000 durable Luganda Church Age Books have landed in Uganda! Can you imagine what it would be like to receive your very own Bible for the first time in your life? Many have been Christians for years, sincere, but ill-informed about the most important thing in their life. But now, thanks to the generosity of many, they have received both of these treasures, the Bible and the Church Age Book, at the same time! A whole new world has opened up to many, enabling them to grow spiritually as never before. Thousands are thankful for this newfound spiritual wealth.
The Bible gives clear testimony about its own value:
“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
For years, many have been trying to walk this path in the dark, with neither lamp nor light. This left them reliant upon the churches, undervaluing the need for each person to receive individual revelation. Whatever lack of vision or effort caused this situation,
Believers in the Message of the Hour are determined to do better for our Brothers and Sisters overseas. It is not “optional” for a Believer to have a Bible, it is a necessity. Thousands of new Believers in hundreds of congregations can now feed on truth and seek revelation from God.

As the current revival continues to sweep Uganda, new Believers and whole churches are arriving at the End Time banqueting table, hungry to receive God’s word. This has created an immense need for Bibles, Church Age Books, and translations. Thanks to the concern and support of many, thousands of precious Believers are now feasting as never before. Only eternity will reveal the fruits of this unique season.

Utilizing our connections with commercial printers in China, we are able to print and deliver Church Age Books to Uganda for as low as $2 each and Bibles as low as $4 each. That means almost anyone can put a Bible in the hands of a Believer, with just a small contribution. And the person in Uganda who receives it will be changed forever.
So, on behalf of the Believers in Uganda, we say “thank you” to all who have supported this effort!