10 More Churches Receive Sanitary Facilities
Over the past couple of years we are thankful the Lord and to our donors for the ability to help congregations in Uganda, who have been left without churches. Many who were evicted from their buildings for receiving the Message of the Hour have been able to obtain places of worship. A number of believers who have been burdened for this particular need have stepped forward to help in this regard. To date we have completed 60 churches with more congregations needing help.
During the course of building we found that some areas required a very specific latrine facility to meet the local building code, before the local government would allow the churches to be used. When Bro Tim Dodd made this known in his presentation to the church in October 2022, we received funds to build a number of latrines. Since then 10 of the desperately needed 15 latrines have been completed. After those 15 are built, there are 15 more that are less urgent that also need to be built.
Thank you to all those who contributed to this worthwhile need. The Saints in Uganda are truly thankful to have these places of worship. Though they may have dirt floors, and wooden planks for chairs, they love the Lord with all their heart and are very thankful for the offerings of Believers around the world to give them a roof over their head and latrines to allow them to open their doors. Please continue to remember this need in your prayers as the Lord continues to move in Uganda.
Recently, Brother Michael Rae travelled into the Karamoja region of Uganda. You can hear about his trip on an upcoming Podcast report.
We will also be updating you on the Lord moving through Bro Juma who has only recently embraced the Message in Uganda but is being used of the Lord to affect thousands.
We rest in our Lord who is able to meet all the needs in Uganda.
Bunakate Church

Busini Church

Butongole Church