January 2025 Updates from Uganda
The amazing awakening continues in Uganda with faithful Brothers working very diligently to reach out to those who desire to hear about the Message. Many ministers are involved in many areas, and we thank God for every soul that is quickened by the Message of the hour. In 2024, over 6000 souls were baptized by the teams that are headed by Brother Stephen Ibale and Brother Fred Kiyingi. This does not include baptisms held by local pastors who have embraced the truth of the Message. Tens of thousands of Bibles and Church Age Books, and over 100,000 individual titles were distributed to the new Believers.
It would be impossible to provide every detail, but just by way of update, let’s look back at some of the recent events of January 2025.
Brother Fred tells us of a couple of missions into areas that produced many souls:
Mission at Nangunga Buikwe District
On the 23rd of January, we travelled to the Buikwe district to a formally Pentecostal church after an invitation from the pastor who had attended our Bible studies. Having taken time to study and follow us every step in the Word, this Pastor accepted to be rebaptized and asked us to come to his church and preach to the congregation. God was gracious, and 230 people were rebaptized upon accepting the Message of the hour.
Mission at Nakifuma
On the 30th of January, we were invited to Nakifuma, to another formally Pentecostal church. The situation was similar to the church in the Buikwe district. The Pastor was also rebaptized and invited us to come and preach to his congregation. By God’s grace, another 110 souls accepted the Message of the hour and were rebaptized.
Brother Stephen Ibale’s team regularly sends updates, and listing the following:
- In Bukedea today, 23 people are being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
- Prison Ministry Namayingo:
- 15 accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour
- We also managed to get them 25 KGS of rice for new year celebrations. They appreciated it a great deal
- In Buwaiswa, 5 people were baptised
- In Lubirira, 6 people were baptised
- In another location 39 souls were buried in Jesus Christ’s Name
- At Nabukalu-Buyende, 5 souls were baptised
- In Isikiro, 19 people were baptised
Bibles, Church Age Books, and other messages continue to be distributed amongst the Believers. After a recent visit to Uganda, Brother Andreas Ringen of Germany was so moved with the need that he raised funds to print an additional 10,000 Bibles.
There are Minister’s Bible Studies held for the new ministers, on a regular basis, by Brother Stephen and Brother Fred. Brother Fred writes…
“As always, in this Bible study, we mainly gather up together at Seeta Eagles’ Church for a Bible study with the newly converted pastors and these Bible studies have so much helped these pastors in growing spiritually in the Word. On the 16th of January 2025, we held our first pastor’s Bible study of the year, where 127 pastors were in attendance. God being gracious, 5 new pastors were rebaptized after the meeting and we are organizing to visit their home churches respectively.”
We are thankful for each and every one who puts their shoulder to the wagon to move the burden forward in Uganda. To God be the glory, great things He has done.