A Print Station Established for University Students in China

Recently, Bible Believers sponsored a Message Hub Print Station for a group of university students, originally from various parts of Africa, who are currently studying in Northern China.
Brother Murphy Wong first came into contact with these Brothers on his trip to China earlier this year. They attended the winter camp which took place on the east coast of China, which was also attended by the senior students from Bibleway Christian Academy (BCA). The Brothers had already begun to witness to other international students in the university before they came to the camp meetings, and the convention only intensified their desire.
Following the camp meetings, Brother Murphy personally visited with the Brothers from the university. They shared with him their desire to do more to witnessing, but explained that they were experiencing some difficulty in obtaining witness resources. Brother Murphy could see the need for them to be able to print messages and witness tracts on demand for themselves, so Bible Believers has provided them with a Hub Print Station.
Our prayer is that the Lord would bless their desire to spread the Message and we look forward to hearing testimony of the fruit that will follow.