During September and October of this year, Brother Murphy and others traveled to China encouraging the church and seeing the needs in the Bride of Christ there. Though Brother Murphy keeps abreast of developments in Asia on an ongoing basis, there is nothing like seeing the situation first hand, and experiencing the Presence of the Lord as He moves through anointed ministry in that country.
Brother Tom from Cloverdale Bible Way was the main speaker in the meetings, and the Lord has blessed the Saints there through his ministry. He has been in China several times and the Believers there have come to expect great things from the Lord. Brother Murphy, in addition to interpreting, also preached many of the services. Many situations were ministered to without the minister knowing their situation. The Lord is mindful of His children’s needs.
Brother Murphy writes from the field:
“We can see the Lord open up a great door for us through this Bible (the newly translated Chinese King James Version). Already we have reached out to several churches just in the past few days that we’ve never been able to reach before.
We started a group chat and invited some people that purchased the CKJV Bible to join with us. Then we published a notice in this group chat that the main translator of the CKJV Bible was in China and would like to have fellowship with the people who are interested in the CKJV Bible. A man in this group contacted us and said he would like to meet us. We invited him to the meeting today. He came and had fellowship with us after the service. He said he was so blessed by the service that Brother Tom preached. We then put him into contact with the local Message church.”
The people are pulling on the Word of God with such a hunger. The presence of the Lord is near in each service. It creates a desire for the Believers to go on and further the spread of the Gospel which has been, and is, our vision during all these years.”
A Brother who is a “Three-Self” Church minister and holds a high position in the religious department came for the service. He was secretly baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ a few years ago, but dared not to let the people know. Just recently the Lord began to deal with him afresh. He became bolder about what he believed. He brought several people from the “Three-Self” Church to the meetings, and three of them were baptized after the services.
After the meetings, when the brothers drove back to the airport, this minister was with them. He started to speak with them about the things he has gone through. There were some things that the leader above him of the religious department wanted him to do which would require him to lie. He didn’t know what to do, but he said he just didn’t want to lie anymore. Brother Murphy told him that many times we think that to tell the truth is going to ruin us, but that’s just Devil’s lie. If we just simply tell the truth the Lord will honor that and will defuse it just like nothing. He told the Brother that his boss would respect him when he told him the truth. Two days later the Brother phoned back and said excitedly that the things happened just exactly like what the brothers prayed for: the Lord defused it. He said that when the leader asked him to do the things that will lead him to lie.
He told him, “I can’t do this because it will make me lie.”
He expected the leader would become furious but instead he looked at the Brother and said, “I admire your courage and honesty. Don’t worry, I won’t let you do it.”
The situation resolved itself easily but yet miraculously. By God’s grace Brother Murphy will return back to this place to visit the new believers in that area. Another new group is started!
Through Bible Believers funding, the Chinese Believers have been able to give away many CKJV Bibles. While we sell the Bibles for $45 each, this, along with donations also provides enough funds that we are able to give away as many as we sell. The translation of the Bible has been an unexpected avenue through which the Message has spread, due to the face that many who receive the Bible become curious about the people behind the translation of it and want to connect with them. The demand for the new Chinese King James Version Bible is growing. Through your support and prayers many lives are being drawn to Jesus Christ through this Word.