Of all the Bible translations attempted—in any language—the most anointed and fruit bearing ones have been those produced by true Holy Ghost filled believers. This reality proven by history provides an explanation for the very positive reception the newly released Chinese King James Bible is already receiving.
Bible translation is not the sole domain of theologians and scholars. That is a channel of thought that has introduced many errors into modern translations. The previously existing Chinese Union Bible comes in that way. Conversely the King James Bible and the Chinese translation is produced in the example set out by the Apostle Paul, and followed diligently by Irenaeus and others.
The Chinese King James Bible was entirely the work of Believers of the Message of the Hour, and already, leaders from various churches are noticing the anointing that is upon it. Over just a few days, Brother Murphy Wong has had conversations with a number of leaders from different groups in China, and they are all excited about the Chinese King James Bible, and are supporting it. Recently, Brother Murphy was invited to meet with a seminary professor, who after receiving a copy of the new Bible, immediately started recommending it for all of his students. He is also working to get a copy in the college library, and says he will promote it to all his contacts in “Three-Self” churches, and house churches.
A Baptist missionary, upon receiving and reviewing a copy, contacted Brother Murphy and has met with him while he was in China, also arranging a meeting with a house church leader. A deacon in a house church received a copy, and gave it to his pastor. The pastor was thrilled at what he saw in this Bible, and invited brother Murphy to come meet with him. Brother Murphy was able to explain to him the history of the Bible and the translation process. Another evangelist from Tibet contacted Brother Murphy, testifying that he has been tremendously blessed by this Bible. Everywhere he preaches, this evangelist is now recommending that people use this Bible ONLY. He wants to meet Brother Murphy and discuss ways to get this version into all different churches.
What does all this mean? Brother Murphy concludes:
“From all of these things happened just in the last few days we can see the hand of God driving the whole thing. To be frank, I don’t know what God is going to do but I have never been so sure that we have walked in the will of the Lord though we went through many oppositions. So please remember us in your prayers. May the Lord give us a sensitive heart to follow Him closely as He opened up a great door to us.”
It is stunning to realize that all of these contacts happened over just a few days, without any promotion. But true anointing is its own advertisement. Could it be these reports are just the tip of the iceberg of the impact this Bible is already having, and will continue to have in the future? Based on these early reports, it appears the Chinese King James Bible is destined to take its place in a long stream of anointed Bibles, produced by true believers.
One of the great burdens now is to produce a Bible at less cost to make it easily attainable by more Chinese people. Remember us in your prayers as we labour to be sensitive to the leading of God in these needs.