In a dusty village in Northern Ethiopia, two brothers stepped off a bus. Before their eyes lay Wurgesa, a town that didn’t look safe for them to be in. The population of about 20,000 was mostly Muslim, with most of the remainder being Ethiopian Orthodox. There was just one Protestant Church (Lutheran), and it was there they found the reason for their visit.
A few months earlier, Brother Girmay had seen in a dream that he was interpreting for his pastor, Brother Busobozi, in a town called Wurgesa. Never having heard of this town, the Brothers used Google to locate it and found it about a 10 hour bus ride north of Addis Ababa. They determined to make a trip through that region as soon as possible. They did not know it yet, but the Lord showed the same vision to a young Ethiopian evangelist working with the Lutheran church in that town.

To prepare for the trip, books were printed in the Tigrinya language on a print station provided by Bible Believers. Translation work supported by Bible Believers has made messages available in three Ethiopian languages. The Brothers then embarked on a journey to many northern locations, some which already had Believers from previous visits.
As they walked through the town of Wurgesa, they arrived at the house of one of the top leaders of the Lutheran Church. They introduced themselves and said that they had a Message from God for them. Ali, a former Muslim, was happy as soon as he saw them. The Brothers shared the End Time Message for about four hours. Ali was amazed and could hardly believe his eyes when he saw Brother Girmay interpreting for his pastor, as it was what he had seen in a vision a few months earlier. With such vindication they couldn’t help but receive the Message that was brought to them. Praise be to God!
Leaving Ali with as many Message books as they could, they carried on to the next destination: Mekelle. This was the fourth visit to this city where the Lord had already quickened some Believers. The two brothers who were baptized are still standing strong in the Word and happy to receive encouragement and some Message books. Together with new hearers, the group heard the Word ministered in power and the Lord gave them a blessed time in fellowship.

A man by the name of Afrke who was ministered to on a previous visit came to hear the Word. He said he had gone to a Pentecostal Church Pastor to ask for Baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus and the pastor refused, claiming he follows Matthew 28:19. Afrke was confused and wanted to know why the Bible seems to contradict itself. The Brothers spent time with him explaining that Scripture never contradicts itself but rather the denominations contradict with Scripture.
Afrke, inspired by revelation of the Word, couldn’t wait any longer. He said, “Please take me to the water right now, I am ready and have decided.” At the pond where he was baptized, he said, “I confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.” Joy filled the whole place, the realization that even though the Church hid the Word from him, they cannot stop the true Children of God from receiving the Truth. God knows them that are His.
Leaving Mekelle behind, the Brothers journeyed onward to Agridat. Here they were to visit an elder in a church by the name of Oqbai that had received Message books during a previous visit from Believers. He stated that since he had started reading the Message of Brother Branham, he has not been the same. He testified that the first time he started to read the Message, he felt a wave of the Holy Ghost come upon him confirming to his soul that this is the Truth. Since that time he was wondering whether he was saved or not; the truths of the Word he found herein were not lining up with the doctrines of his church in a “Full Gospel” denomination.
He requested the Brothers to help him understand what this is all about. Before long, they were all in the spirit of worship. Oqbai, with tears started speaking, “This is the Truth; I have decided to accept it, and I want to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus.”
From the previous trip, the Brothers knew how hard it was to find water suitable for baptism in this area. Hiring a driver to take them to find water, the Brothers found several ponds but they were either very narrow and rocky or very deep and muddy. While they looked around, they happened upon Brother Oqbai who had left work early; he couldn’t stay at work as his mind was all focused on being baptised. Thus, he was looking for water and intended to call the Brothers to baptise him.

Since it seemed impossible to use any of the ponds they had seen, he asked them to join him in his old Ford and they went along talking about the Message. While they drove through the rocky desert-like terrain, lo and behold a lake appeared in a place they didn’t expect it and which none of them knew about. The Lord had provided Himself a lake.
Brother Oqbai quickly stopped the car and said, “Here is water – I am ready to be baptized.” He already had a change of clothes but Brother Busobozi had left his in the room. Nevertheless it seemed impossible to stop now. Brother Busobozi together with Brother Oqbai descended into the water and there it happened. The joy of the Lord overtook this old man and he couldn’t help but to laugh out loud. You could surely call him crazy if you don’t understand the working of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord continues to work in great ways in Ethiopia, and space does not permit us to recount all the happenings. Because of the faithful support of Believers, our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia have access to the Message of the Hour and the ability to spread the last day’s revelation in the country of Ethiopia.