Uganda: Three More Churches Completed
We are glad to report that 3 more places of worship were provided to new Believers in Uganda in April.
What does it mean to Believers to have a place to gather together for worship?
Often the value of something is not understood until it is taken away. Gathering together is not an option for Believers, it is a commandment of Scripture and necessary to spiritual health and growth.
In Uganda, the place to meet, gather, and grow was taken from many Believers the moment they received the Message of the Hour, when denominations took back their buildings. In the scramble for meeting places some congregations were left meeting under trees, praying for an answer.
We are thankful to report that Believers around the world have gotten involved and helped these congregations to have places to call their own, even if rudimentary. This allows these congregations to worship together, protected from wind and weather, as they move joyfully forward in their newfound faith.
The photographs below show the latest three buildings in various stages of construction. These have now been completed, and more are in process. All of these congregations have come into the Message of the Hour in the last two years. The Believers in Uganda are extremely thankful, rejoicing at how God has provided for their needs.