Dear Saints,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I’m writing this report from China, where by God’s grace I have been ministering for over a month
now. The main purpose of this trip has been to finish the printing of the Chinese King James Bible. After four years of labor by many dedicated brothers and sisters, we have finally finished the translating and proofreading. The next task
is to print!
Meanwhile, I have been traveling with my family to minister in different churches. One of the highlights was the youth camp in the southern part of China.
“Mountaintop” Meetings in the Nan Ping Mountains!
By God’s grace the three days of meetings in Nan Ping were supernatural. The services, skits, and even the activities were all geared in the same channel about accepting God’s invitation. In one service I felt led to speak on the discernment of the Prophet, and the subject of depression. Afterwards a pastor’s wife came up and told how she had fought depression for a long time. The Word had discerned and exposed the devil! She was totally delivered after the service.
Then, the police came. They wanted to investigate these “illegal meetings” with over 100 people. They arrived when we were right in the middle of a service, but the woman who owned the place stopped them and would not let them come upstairs. They left, but warned they would come again the next day. But the next day a typhoon hit, stopping the police from coming back, and also stopping the high-speed train so no one could leave the city! Instead of the meetings being cut short, we had an EXTRA day!
After the last service many young people came up for prayer. The Presence of the Lord came down mightily, and in tears of repentance, they gave their hearts to the Lord. The last night we had an evening of singing and praise, and the young people and children all sang specials. The young people gave testimony how by the preaching of the Word, many were set free. Even many adults testified how the Word healed them in their spirit and souls in situations that were hopeless.
More Meetings, More Deliverances!
In another city, a sister who was from another denomination came forward for prayer. As she approached I recognized her. When Brother Tom Rae was here ministering last year, the same woman had come to him with the same request. Brother Tom recognized she was possessed by a demon. Brother Tom prayed and told her that she must give up that spirit, but she would not. This time, she explained to me that she had been to a “Christian meeting” where people were receiving the “Holy Spirit”. She felt that the “Spirit of God” came into her at that time. At first she felt wonderful but then whatever was in her started to torment her. She was very confused. I told her, “That’s not the Holy Spirit, that’s an evil spirit.” Just then she started making strange noises in her throat. I rebuked her and commanded her to stop, explaining that’s the demon, but she must first want to give it up, or I can’t even pray for her. She was surprised, because she always believed that was the spirit of God working in her. As we continued to work with her, she began to realize that she had been deceived all those years. She cried out and asked to be delivered. When we started to pray for her, she broke into tears, crying out for God to deliver her. When we finished she stood up, amazed, saying said she had never felt so released. She was delivered!
Over the past month I have witnessed many changed lives, and new people baptized. Jesus Christ is still the same yesterday today and forever. I am going South tomorrow to continue ministering these wonderful words of life.
The Lord bless you,
Brother Murphy