Deep in a remote area of Ethiopia reachable only by foot or horseback, the End-time Word is charging forward, sparked by a mighty healing.
The miraculous recovery of Brother Tefera from near death caused shock waves to ripple back to his home town. (see details in previous post) What power was this that could work such a mighty wonder in full view of them all? Now a group of nearly 2oo villagers assembled in anticipation of the arrival of Brother Busobosi and his companions from Addis Ababa Ethiopia, and their words of life. The journey wasn’t easy. It took 2 days, by asphalt road, dirt road, and finally walking the last 5km when horses were not available.
Though Brother Tefera’s natural brother Ndale is a Lutheran priest in the village, he supported the meeting, welcoming all to come and hear more about the word of this power. Exhausted, yet inspired, Brother Busobosi preached on “The Cup of God’s Salvation,” illuminating the restoration of true Salvation in this day.
“People listened attentively and were grasping the Word,” reports Brother Busobosi. “As I was closing, it got so hot that someone wanted to stop us (one of the Lutheran evangelists) but Priest Ndale stopped him.”
Brother Busobosi invited any who had questions to meet them after the meeting. Several evangelists and people from other denominations came to ask questions and hear more. To these Brother Busobosi and his companions explained the Word more perfectly, and several believed and made plans to come to Addis Ababa for baptism. Others requested more meetings. The villagers had been vexed with doctrinal questions on subjects such as child baptism, and salvation. At another informal meeting the next day, the Brothers were able to address these issues.
“God is giving us this village,” Brother Busobosi concludes. “We can but watch and pray as we look towards the absolute will of God in the coming days.”
Horses were available for leaving the village, and the team returned to Addis Ababa exhausted but joyful at the wondrous work God was sovereignly performing in this
remote village.