Cold Water to Thirsty Souls: Shipment Arrives in Malawi
As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.
Proverbs 25:25
When the truck arrived just this week with boxes of half a million printed messages translated into their native language of Chichewa, singing and rejoicing broke out amongst the Believers. “As cold waters to a thirsty soul…” Not just water, COLD water, and not just water, but WATERS, an abundant supply. Surely, the singing and rejoicing was heartfelt.
These are translations by a team of translators organized by Brother Precious Makatanje and printed by Vision Books. Though the Proverb by King Solomon nearly 3000 years ago could apply to many situations, to the Believers in Malawi this week, there would be one application: Spiritual food has arrived at last! – due to the generosity of burdened Believers in a far country, whom they will likely never see on this earth.

The Message of the Hour is more than just an experience, it is spiritual food in due season. It is water from the Rock. It is the answer to every true spiritual thirst in our day.
As described in the May issue of the Believers Faith Challenge Report, it has been fourty years since the Message was introduced in Malawi. Ministers and whole churches have risen up, believing, but living with faith that the few drops scattered before them came from a vast reservoir, and that reservoir was available somewhere. As in Uganda and other places in Africa and around the world, many of these Believers do not even own a Bible, let alone any printed sermons of William Branham. But miraculously, their thirst propelled them to continue on though undersupplied—until now.
For those who have long had access to all the 1150 printed sermons and audio, the twelve titles delivered in Malawi might seem like just a start, and it is. But to the Believers there who have had almost nothing for decades, it is a vast and glorious supply. And there is more to come. As of September of last year, there were three messages available in the Chichewa language. Now there are 150, some of which were recovered from translation efforts started long ago by Brother Harold Hildebrandt. Final editing of The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages book is also underway, and the translation team is producing new translations at a rate of about ten per month, sponsored by Bible Believers.
The delivery this week is the first of what we hope will be many waves to come, equipping these long-suffering Brothers and Sisters in Malawi with the resources they need to grow and mature in the End-time faith. The Bridegroom will not come until the Bride has made herself ready, and that Bride must mature worldwide. Anything any Believer can do to help that process along speeds the coming of the Lord.
Therefore, let the rejoicing take place not just in Malawi, but in every country where the Bride is making herself ready.