As workers on the Lord’s great field, we labor as He instructs us, leaving the increase to Him. He knows the land and all of its potential, He shows us where to sow and reap.
On a visit to Ethiopia in January Brother Busobozi traveled through Hawassa in January, sowing precious seeds of God’s anointed Word in what seemed to be prepared soil. (read story) On a return trip last month, he found a harvest already starting to sprout. Pastor Tesfa, who was met and ministered to previously was re-baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Also, a Pentecostal minister, known in the area as a prophet, was re-baptized, along with three other men.
This man has oversight of over 1000 Pentecostal Christians, and it will be interesting to see what effect he will have.
Brother Timothy, a Deacon in the church in Addis Ababa who lives in Hawassa has opened his home for meetings, as there is much work to do instructing and grounding the new believers. Brother Timothy and Sister Rebka, who also lives in the city, have continued to spread the word with tracts and witnessing.
The translation work of the church in Addis Ababa has helped propel all of these efforts forward, allowing the people of Ethiopia to learn of the great visitation of God in their native languages. This church has become a base for outreach efforts throughout Ethiopia.
Brother Oqbai, a former Deacon in a Full Gospel church who lives in the North is now starting a home fellowship with about 8 other Believers. Brother Busobozi was able to travel there and encourage them. Brother Girmay, one of the founding souls from the church in Addis Ababa is planning to travel there to assist in getting the work started.
Brother Tefera, who was gloriously healed from near death last year has continued to witness in his village. (read story) Brother Busobozi reports:
“Brother Tefera continually is preaching the truth in his village and one by one keep sneaking in for water baptism. They fear to be marked and therefore separated from the rest of the society, social life here is a big hindrance to the Gospel.”
Brother Tefera’s sister has now been baptized also.
Meanwhile, the church in Addis Ababa continues to grow and mature under the leadership of the newly ordained Associate Pastor Moges, with assistance from Brother Timothy the Deacon, and Brothers Girmay, Assegid and Ephraim. Upon arriving there, Brother Busobozi immediately baptized two souls, one of them the daughter of an army Colonel. The church continues to thrive with three more souls Baptized just last Sunday. In all 8 souls were baptized in the last month. We praise God for each and every precious one.
As reported before, the church in Addis Ababa is now in the hands of the Ethiopian Believers, as Brother Busobozi has been denied permission to live in the country permanently. On the 21st, he travels back to Uganda, where he is actively assisting the revival in that country. He currently manages the office recently established by Bible Believers for the distribution of Bibles, Message Books, and other forms of assistance to the new Believers in Uganda. There is no shortage of work to do in both countries. “There is much to do, time alone is a constraint,” Brother Busobozi reports.
Your prayers and support are contributing to much fruit. Continue to pray for the work in Ethiopia as slowly but surely souls are established in the present truth. The Lord of the Harvest continues to visit Ethiopia in outstanding ways. He alone knows where the good soil is.