RESTORED! : Key Facility Is Back in Service
The awakening in Uganda is recruiting long standing Message pastors into the service of training both new believers, and former denominational pastors. Such is the burden that has fallen upon Pastor Hanington Balita, a long time Message pastor ministering in an area hot with revival.
The Kaliro district Northeast of Kampala has emerged as a key area for Baptists who are embracing the Message of the hour. Pastor Balita has been pastoring since 1995, and currently pastors two churches in the area. In January 2019 we reported on his involvement with the Baptist leaders. (see story)
Pastor Hanington’s church in Kaliro, built in 2002, had quickly become an important center for distribution of books and support materials, as well as training up ministers new to the Message of the Hour. In 2010 the building (which was never completed) developed a dangerous crack. Attempts were made to repair it, but the cracks widened until last year the building collapsed. This caused a lack of facilities available in the area to spread the Message. Bible Believers stepped in to help.
Many have come to Christ and are continuing to come, as Brother Balita works together with Stephen Ibale in Jinja to support and feed the revival. The collapse of the church was a big blow to all of these efforts. When Bible Believers was made aware of the situation, we felt led to help restore this important structure to a useful state. Repairs were planned, and we are happy to report that the structure has been restored to the roof, and interior repairs are almost all completed.
Not only is the congregation able to function and meet there again, the building continues serving as an important center for spreading the revival into nearby areas, and equipping those who have newly come in.
While our main burden is to get the Message into the local language, and thereby into the hands of the people, from time to time help is necessary to provide places of worship. Currently there are 12 building projects of various scope, in different regions of the country affected by the revival. In all there are more than 70 congregations asking for help with a church structure, as they have been expelled from their property by their former systems.
We sincerely thank everyone who has contributed to this cause with your prayers and financial support. The revival in Uganda surges on, and everyone, no matter where you live, can be a part of it, by assisting in efforts such as these.