Rwanda: 4 Years…342 Translations
Message Translation into Kinyarwanda
It is estimated that there are over 7,000 languages spoken in the world today. Though some of these languages are small by global standards, they are very important to the people who speak them. An estimated ten million Rwandans speak Kinyarawanda, and some of these speakers are true Believers who hunger for the Message of the Hour. At this time, there are 81 languages on The Message Hub in which at least some of the sermons of William Branham are available. But there are many languages without any translated messages at all. Until recently, Kinyarawanda, was one of those.
The work that has been accomplished over the past four years in the Kinyarawanda language is an example of what can be done when Believers with a burden for their country cooperate. Starting in 2016, a team of ten translators was established to translate the most pertinent messages. Though Rwanda had Message preachers prior to 2016, a clear understanding of the truths of the Bible was lacking in many congregations. Without the translated sermons available, questions invariably arose which could only be answered by the Message. Various efforts to start translation work were attempted, but none succeeded.

This all began to change when Brother Elie Kwizera, a Rwanda native who had immigrated to the United States, began attending Cloverdale Bibleway and became aware of the many translation efforts started by Brother Byskal and carried on by Bible Believers. In our podcast released in March 2020, Brother Elie explained how difficult it was for Believers in his home country. They were aware that something very important had been revealed by God but did not know much about it. Inspired by the translation efforts that were taking place around the world, Brother Elie communicated with Believers back home, that they too could have the Message of the Hour in their own language. When it was clear that the Believers in Rwanda were in consensus and willing to do the necessary work, Bible Believers agreed to sponsor the effort. The faithful donations of concerned Believers around the world provided the funds.
Now, four years later, 342 titles in Kinyarwanda are available in print form, and 151 are in audio form. To accomplish this, the team of translators produced at a pace of at least seven titles per month. These are high quality translations. It is a labor of love performed by Believers working in their native language, and carefully proofread for accuracy. The fruit of this labor provides Believers in Rwanda access to a range of important sermons, in which precious truths are revealed and explained by God’s End-Time Prophet.
Now the country also has a busy print station that is printing messages for the local churches to use. There is no need to wait for volume printing in another country; the locally owned and managed print station can print a single message for an individual or several for churches, on demand. Rwanda is a great example of a single print station covering the majority of printing needs. This country has less than 5000 Believers, so a large quantity of books is not needed. At this time, Bible Believers has given the work over fully to the local Believers, to continue the translation and voiceover work as they desire. Although Bible Believers no longer supports the translation work, which is still going forward, we are supporting the printing work through regular contributions. This enables the Believers in Rwanda who cannot afford books, to receive a regular supply of the translated messages.
Another important addition is the translation of the Church Age Book, which can be printed as a full book, or as tracts for witnessing. The 151 voiceover audio sermons, in addition to their edification value, can be broadcasted for witnessing purposes if the Believers so desire. Further, all the translations are available on the Message Hub Mobile app for free download.
Bible Believers is also planning to print the translation of The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages book as soon as funds are available. 5,000 copies will ensure a book for each of the current Believers in the country and can be printed for less than $10,000 total.
The Kinyarwanda translation effort unlocked all these possibilities for Rwandan Believers, and we rejoice that the Bride in Rwanda is better equipped now to grow and be blessed by God. How many other countries or languages are in a similar situation as Rwanda? May God’s End-Time Message go out to them also! The Bride is making herself ready, and she does so by putting on the clothing of the Word. In many countries like Rwanda, this requires the difficult work of translation, but that need not prevent it from happening. The determined Believers in Rwanda have shown how translation can succeed when they unite behind a common cause.
With the help of Bible Believers, through the donations of many, Rwanda has seen their vision of access to the Message of the Hour manifest in front of their eyes.