February 2015 Missions Trip
A trip by anointed Ministers to China is always accompanied by the sovereign and supernatural hand of God. It is wonderful to see the healings and various miracles that take place, but equally wonderful is to see the spiritual growth and maturity of the Believers. Brother Murphy and those who travelled with him remarked with joy at seeing the oneness of the Ministry and their zeal to get the Message out to unbelievers. We know you will enjoy Brother Murphy Wong’s first hand report of his recent trip to China.
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! By God’s grace, Brother Tom Rae, Brother Glen Grunert (a deacon in our church), Brother Joseph Hildebrandt (a young brother) and I traveled to China in February to share this glorious Message in this last hour. We witnessed the growth of the saints in China both in number and spiritually in a short time.
We first arrived in Shenzhen which used to be small fishing village of a few hundred people, but now has grown into a mega metropolitan area with a population over 15 million in just 30 years. There are several small groups of believers here, but a mighty work of God has been done amongst the people. One group came into the Message about four years ago. A sister used to be the pastor of the church but now has resigned. So Brother Lu from another group that has received the Message for 15 years is now helping this group of saints to go further into the Word.
When Brother Tom and I arrived we had four services with the joint churches; over 100 people. The Word has supernaturally touched the lives of the people. We saw the unity of the saints like we’ve never witnessed before. The believers that haven’t been in fellowship before now were hugging and loving each other when the washing of water by the Word was applied to their hearts, and the level of the Holy Spirit raised in their lives. As the Prophet said in The Rapture message, “But when the water got so high, it just floated the ducks out of the pen. So I think that’s the way to do it. Is just the water is coming up, see, and we can get out of the pen and fellowship with one another, you know, have the real love of Christ in our hearts.” (The Rapture, 65-1204)
As the Bible said, “the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with signs following.” (Mark 16:20) After the meetings finished there were about 12 people that gave their hearts to the Lord and were baptized. One old sister’s left hand couldn’t move because of a stroke, but a few days after she was baptized her hand was back to normal. The same God that can heal the soul can also heal the body to confirm His own Word!
We all know God is on time with His schedule every time. Two old friends of my wife and I, whom we knew since we were in the government three-self church 20 years ago, came to the meeting as well. We have been witnessing to them for years; God gradually dealing with their hearts. They have seen the life of the believers lived before them year after year. They have seen the steadfastness of the faith of the believer and the keeping power of the Message. The Lord started to really deal with our friends in the past three years. This time, the Word of God sealed them up. By the preaching of the Word their hearts were touched and they went in the water to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. To my surprise and to their surprise also, one sister’s son at the last moment asked to be baptized as well. His mother was overwhelmed because for years her son has not been moved by the denomination they went to but just by the simplicity of the preaching of the Word It changed her son in a moment. Praise be to God!
Then we flew to the next city, Hangzhou where a joint convention was set up. The devil also set up a trap waiting for us that we were unaware of. But how we thank the Lord that He’s always one step ahead.
When we were driving to the service to have the first meeting my phone rang. The hosting pastor, Brother Caleb, called me and said there was a man who’s fiercely against this Message and wanted to interrupt the meeting and even threatened that if they threw him out he would report to the police. To his surprise the brother told him that our meeting was already registered with the police and they would throw him out if he dared to interrupt the meeting. Earlier, when we were planning this meeting in this city Brother Caleb felt led to register the meeting with the police. This was never done before and was unthinkable. But somehow he felt the urge to do it. We didn’t give much hope because the police will never grant any type of religious meeting to be held, especially in the meeting place just beside the police station! But by God’s grace we were permitted by the police to have the meetings! The police even said, “If there’s any problem let us know.” So, when this man threatened to report to the police, the brothers could reply with confidence and no fear. God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform!
During the meetings in Hangzhou the pastors and I dicussed the work of the Lord in China and specifically on how are we going to get the Message out to the people more effectively. I saw the burden of the pastor brothers to put the Message in the hands of the people. It amazed me when they shared that they printed out the Messages and passed it out on the street. Their congregation went out to witness to the people fearlessly. They’re talking about developing web sites and how to utilize the modern tools of social media to publish the Prophet’s Message in its purity and simplicity. It’s already in process now. “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” (Psalm 68:11)
After this we went up to Qingdao (Northen China), where Brother David’s church is located. It was the highlight of the trip. The expectations of the saints there are high. The Word once again deeply touched and encouraged the people.
After Brother Tom left, I continued on with Brother David and Brother Jonah of this trip. We drove more than 3,000 miles and visited and preached in seven churches. The Lord gave us marvelous services.
After one service was finished the pastor came up to the pulpit and said, “Brother Murphy you probably don’t even know what you preached. But I actually talked with my wife last night and prepared the questions that I had for many months and wanted to ask you today after the service because I couldn’t bear it any longer. But what you preached in the service just exactly answered my questions one by one. The Word is still discerning the people’s hearts.”
In another church, when we arrived a woman minister from a house church came to the meeting with her congregation. She came, not to attend the service, but to argue and take up the floor. We just waited for her to let off the pressure. Then the Lord let me remember about 15 years ago that it was the same lady that came to argue about this Message. So I said her, “Sister, I remember 15 years ago you came to argue about what the Message said about forbidding woman to teach.” Then she seemed to wake up and said, “Oh, I remember you! You’re the one that caused all this turmoil.” Then before she started to argue again I said, “Do you remember what I said to you?” She shakes her head. I said, “I still remember. I said to you then that I’m not coming here to argue with you about the doctrine. I’m coming to share how the Lord has changed my life.” Then I started to share with them about the Message and the testimonies that the Word of God in this hour had done both to me and amongst the believers. People can argue about doctrine but they can’t argue about the Life of Christ. After a while I saw the tears in this lady’s eyes. She bowed her head. We ended the service and started to sing and worship. She was singing with us and tears rolling down, her hands lifted up. By the end she and her congregation come up hugging the believers and even asking for prayers and also pray with us for the sick and needy. “By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone.” (Proverbs 25:15)
There are too many testimonies to tell about the goodness and mighty hand of our God who has done great things in His end time. But may our hearts be stirred and zealous more than ever to do the work of the Lord to publish this life changing Word of God to all nations.
May the Lord bless you.
Brother Murphy