Latest From BBW



New Latrines For Churches In Uganda

We are happy to share with you the construction of six new sanitary facilities in Uganda. Latrines are a requirement in Uganda before a church is allowed to host meetings. New Believers in Kaakuto, Kayitabawala, Kitambuza, Lwanjuki and Bukaya now all have access to latrines. We rejoice with our fellow Believers, and thank God for [...]


Podcast: Burundi Translations With Bro Aristide

In this podcast, we catch up with Bro Aristide, whom you remember was among the many brethren from Africa who sent their seasonal greetings to all the Saints around the World supporting Missions through Prayers and their Giving. Bro Aristide shares about the translation needs for the people of Burundi, that now has the some [...]