Brother Bounmie and Brother Bounchuen continue strong in the communist country of Laos. Despite the persecution that these two ministers suffer, many are embracing the Message of the Hour. Only one soul filled with the Holy Spirit can manifest the Word. With God, he can turn his country upside down. Recently a local pastor asked about Matthew 28 (Baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit). He told them that if we don’t believe this, why don’t we just peel off the page instead and just leave Acts 2:38 (Baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ). They replied that they believe Acts 2:38, however they also believed Matthew 28, so we have no reason to peel it off. Nevertheless, one can read in the Bible that the apostles baptized more than 8,000 souls in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Again it was asked of the local pastor if the apostles made a mistake in doing this, because if this is wrong, he should be peel off that page in the Bible as well. The local pastor then realized that he personally needs this right baptism. In this simple way the Message is spread.
Brother Bounchuen, you may recall, was the pastor that got kicked out in his church and community after receiving the Message. With the help of Believers in the US and Australia he was able to purchase a small piece of land and build a house. He testified in his broken English that after accepting the Message, he experienced such freedom he never felt while he was in the denomination. He was encouraged to press on amidst persecution and he never felt one bit of regret for standing on the Word of God …and God did not overlook his sacrifice. It is said in Isaiah 41:10 …fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. News reached him that the village he left was cursed after he was kicked out and the people in the community wanted him and his family to return. Indeed, God’s Word never changes! As it is written in Romans 8:31…If God is for us, who can be against us? Now the government is evicting ALL the people in the community out of their land with no apparent reason! They can now clearly see their mistake and Brother Bounchuen’s new blessed life while they suffer the consequence. They are begging for him to return but it’s now too late.
Brother Bounmie, on the other hand, continues to preach the Message in the denominational church where he attends. They weren’t able to kick him out because the members believe him and they find no fault in what he teaches. His courage to preach the Message with the danger of imprisonment is truly inspiring. Fortunately, the police find no reason to arrest him as well. Even though their trip was cut short during last year’s Asian Ministers’ Conference in Manila, the police told them that it is not them that wants the arrest but the bishops in his own church. All the threats were to no avail and Brother Bounmie continues to preach the Gospel and even baptize souls! This makes their mother church hate him more and more everyday but again, God is in control. He moves in mysterious ways in Laos and all things work together for good. Recently 5 church leaders came to confront Brother Bounmie on water baptism, but being unable to withstand the wisdom emanating from our Brother’s mouth they were speechless, realizing that the Truth of the Word could not be resisted.
Please pray for these brothers and their fledgling work. This is another work that is largely supported by Believers from Believers Christian Fellowship, in Ohio. Donations can be sent through Bible Believers for the work in Cambodia and Laos.