Latest From BBW

Large Shipment Arrives in Uganda

20,000 Bibles in the Luganda language along with 33,000 Church Age Books in Luganda, Ateso, Karamojong, Amharic and Afaan Oromo have just landed in Uganda. Included in the shipment are 200,000 cover sheets for printing individual messages in Uganda. While these are all now in the office in Uganda, more than half the Bibles and […]

Large Shipment Arrives in Uganda

20,000 Bibles in the Luganda language along with 33,000 Church Age Books in Luganda, Ateso, Karamojong, Amharic and Afaan Oromo have just landed in Uganda. Included in the shipment are 200,000 cover sheets for printing individual messages in Uganda. While these are all now in the office in Uganda, more than half the Bibles and […]

Announcement: Chinese Translation of the Message Complete!

It is with heartfelt appreciation for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that we announce the completion of the translation of the Message of the Hour into the Chinese Language. All the sermons of Brother William Branham have been translated into Chinese in written form. This is in addition to the Chinese King James […]

Just Released!

An entirely new application of the Message Hub has been released for Android users. Exciting new features include advanced mode searches, bookmarks, highlighting, sermon audio, copy, and share! The initial release of the improved Android app is available in English only (don’t delete your old version quite yet), but we will very quickly be adding [...]

Complete! New Church Building in Kimaga, Uganda

On October 27th of 2017 we reported of a mighty stir in Uganda, in which 60 people were baptized in one weekend. (See Post) From this initial sowing, a crop of saints has continued to grow.  Removed from their previous churches, the new Believers desperately needed a place to meet.  With our help, land was […]

Ethiopia : Missions Report

Watch Brother Tim Dodd give a detailed report of 2 weeks spent in the country of Ethiopia between Addis Ababa and the city of Hawassa. Some of the content has been covered in several podcasts episodes released in the previous weeks (see below) as well as in the BFCR (Believers Faith Challenge Report), that is [...]